Bg3 Ketheric Painting Puzzle

Bg3 Ketheric Painting Puzzle - After meeting the notorious general ketheric thorm in baldur’s gate 3, you’ll be sent on your first mission as a servant of the. How to reach the gauntlet of shar in baldur's gate 3, including a solution for the painting puzzle in the thorm mausoleum. How to complete the thorm mausoleum painting puzzle in baldur's gate 3 (bg3) video games. The baldur's gate 3 thorm mausoleum puzzle is solved by pressing the buttons below the paintings in a specific order. This reads that ketheric thorm's instructions to access the mausoleum were from splendour, to tragedy, to infamy. The puzzle’s solution is to press the button beneath the tower painting, then the painting of a grieving man over a woman, then the painting of.

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How to Complete the Thorm Mausoleum Painting Puzzle in Baldur's Gate 3
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After meeting the notorious general ketheric thorm in baldur’s gate 3, you’ll be sent on your first mission as a servant of the. The puzzle’s solution is to press the button beneath the tower painting, then the painting of a grieving man over a woman, then the painting of. How to reach the gauntlet of shar in baldur's gate 3, including a solution for the painting puzzle in the thorm mausoleum. This reads that ketheric thorm's instructions to access the mausoleum were from splendour, to tragedy, to infamy. How to complete the thorm mausoleum painting puzzle in baldur's gate 3 (bg3) video games. The baldur's gate 3 thorm mausoleum puzzle is solved by pressing the buttons below the paintings in a specific order.

The Puzzle’s Solution Is To Press The Button Beneath The Tower Painting, Then The Painting Of A Grieving Man Over A Woman, Then The Painting Of.

This reads that ketheric thorm's instructions to access the mausoleum were from splendour, to tragedy, to infamy. After meeting the notorious general ketheric thorm in baldur’s gate 3, you’ll be sent on your first mission as a servant of the. The baldur's gate 3 thorm mausoleum puzzle is solved by pressing the buttons below the paintings in a specific order. How to reach the gauntlet of shar in baldur's gate 3, including a solution for the painting puzzle in the thorm mausoleum.

How To Complete The Thorm Mausoleum Painting Puzzle In Baldur's Gate 3 (Bg3) Video Games.

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